KAY casts a spell to catch Nicotine. LAU's wife helps Nicotine escape.KAY takes her home and tries to heal her of her disease. CHING-CHING sucks out the vampire poison from her and she is cured.
She is greatly fond of CHING-CHING and wants HAN-LEUNG to marry her. HAN-LEUNG is unwilling to, because he only loves SIU-NING.
SUET-YIM has entered into LAU-s house. She is touched by HAN-LEUNG's deep love for SIU-NING and decides to help him deliver his love letter to SIU-NING.
CHEUNG discovers that SIU-NING is meeting HAN-LEUNG secretly. He begs Nicotine to handle HAN-LEUNG.
Nicotine visits the LAUs and starts an affair with LAU's second wife WAN-KAM. WAN-KAM agrees to act as his spy for getting HAN-LEUNG. SUET-YIM helps HAN-LEUNG evade Nicotine's attack.
KAY summons his magic to force Nicotine to appear. WAN-KAM secretly upset the procure so that his magic does not work.